
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Convert Android to Windows 10

Yesterday Microsoft announced that its new and the most advanced operating system Windows 10 is coming to the devices this summer. The operating system will be released across the 190 countries of the world in 111 languages.
Along with this announcement, Microsoft didn’t forget to surprise the users. Microsoft hinted at the ongoing development of a software that converts the Android phones to Windows 10 devices.
Microsoft is gearing up for the upcoming summer launch and it also includes newer prospects for Windows Phone operating system. The software maker revealed that it is testing the Windows 10 for phones with the select Xiaomi Mi 4 “power users.” Further, Microsoft mentioned that this isn’t a partnership but just seeking help from the company for trials.
This switch isn’t some kind of dual boot option. This will be possible due a Windows based ROM. This ROM will be like customizing the Android phone completely with Windows 10 flavor and will allow native Windows 10 like experience on Android phones.
Microsoft is partnering with China’s Xiaomi and it should be noted that people in China are more inclined towards the customization of phones by installing ROMs.
Microsoft said that it is committed to release the software globally to all the users.

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